Monday, November 2, 2015

Home schooling or traditional schooling? Why does it have to be a choice?

I've noticed in my circle, people who parent similarly to me tend to home school. It just seems to be the next logical choice in attachment parenting. We can teach our children so much more! We can give them that one-on-one attention they need to reach their full potential! I understand that completely. I also understand the reasons to go with traditional schooling. I get some adult time to get things done while Christian is at school. He gets to be surrounded by his peers and learn that sort of socialization. He learns how to listen to authority, outside of the family. I do not deny that these skills can, indeed, be learned by the home schooled child, but I think it is important to do what works best for your family and not make assumptions on how schooling looks for the next family. 

When I tell people we chose to public school, I can imagine what comes to mind. They think he's sitting in front of a desk for 7 hours a day and then coming home to another hour of homework. Actually, I really LOVE Christian's school! They are always doing fun stuff! We actually moved here specifically because of the great schools. Christian is always excited to go to school. Any time there have ever been any issues, they were able to handle them quickly and easily. But, I think it is still important for the learning to keep moving beyond the door of the school. A lot of people have never heard of the way our family has chosen to view the learning experience. I don't align specifically with traditional schooling or home schooling. We do both!

Learning at home and at school has taught him a lot! Often, we are able to work parallel with what he's learning at school.
Gardening, for example, he learns at school about a plant's life cycle, the parts of a plant, what a plant needs to grow, and the sun and rain systems. At home, he gets to see these things in action, hands on, and learn first hand how his hard work pays off.

Even little brother, Ian, has started his at-home learning experience!
Next year, he will start pre-k at the same school Christian is at.

Learning at home has taken quite a few twists and turns gauging towards the boys' interests. We have studied bats, volcanoes, historical events, space, and much more! 

My boys are growing into well rounded kids. I have no doubt of the amazing men they will become. I'm a believer in the philosophy, "It takes a village to raise a child". This is what we've found works best for our family. The school, teachers, tutors, my husband, and myself all work together to make Christian and Ian into the best people they can possibly be. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

In conclusion, if you choose to home school or if you choose the traditional route, make the best of it! Never stop learning. There are opportunities to learn in everyday life all around us. 

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