Saturday, October 25, 2014

We got a puppy!

Meet Penny!

Penny's birthday is July 18 2014. We got her when she was 12 weeks old from a lady in Kentucky. She's still got a lot of apricot coloring to her but looks whiter all the time. She reminds me SO MUCH of Ally, a poodle I had growing up. Penny is silly, very playful, extremely smart, and a snuggle buddy. She's been sleeping with us at night since the day we got her. On the second day, she had already mastered how to sit, lay, and speak! She has only once peed inside the house and while she has pottied in the house a few times, we've officially had her 4 days and she's almost completely trained! Anyone that has ever raised a puppy know how awesome that is! I truly felt like we needed a dog in this family. I searched for nearly a week before I found Penny and she's absolutely the perfect pet for us! I look forward to continuing to post about our little pup as she grows.
 Here are the pictures I've gotten of her so far! 